• The 2024 Community Guide and Business Directory is now available! Pick up your copy at the Chamber office or view online!


    Thank you to all our advertisers and community partners for your support in helping make this publication a wonderful resource for our members and community.


    200 Gateway Dr.
    North East, MD 21901
    239 Belvidere Rd.
    Perryville, MD 21903
    585 Principio Pkwy W.
    North East, MD 21901
    IKEA Distribution Services, Inc.
    IKEA Perryville is part of IKEA Distribution Services North America, which distributes products to stores in North America. IKEA Perryville serves 39 stores and currently employees 550+ people.
    100 IKEA Way
    Perryville, MD 21903
    2895 Principio Pkwy. East
    North East, MD 21901
    Highline Warren
    North America's premier distributor of automotive oils, chemicals and consumable products, offering strategic manufacturing and market exclusives to thousands of customers, coast to coast.
    1002 Konica Dr.
    Elkton, MD 21921