• The 2024 Community Guide and Business Directory is now available! Pick up your copy at the Chamber office or view online!


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  • Deep Roots, Inc.

    21 Veazey Cove Rd.
    Earleville, MD 21919
    (410) 275-2194

    About Us

    Ending Homelessness One Child at a Time: In addition to serving as a homeless shelter for children and families in the community, Deep Roots strives to break the generational cycle of homelessness. read more
    • About

      Ending Homelessness One Child at a Time: In addition to serving as a homeless shelter for children and families in the community, Deep Roots strives to break the generational cycle of homelessness. Our program challenges children and their parents to envision a brighter future, to sustain healthy relationships, and to navigate a course towards personal and social responsibility. Through better life experiences, with mentors, and by providing healthy life-models, education, and supports, Deep Roots seeks to show our families that homelessness is not destiny. Ending poverty and homelessness begins with the building of community, relationships, and in genuine human meeting – beyond barriers of race, class, and religion. Community enriches all our lives, and the lives of our children; it lays the foundation for the gentle and peaceable world we long for: One in which the violence of poverty and homelessness have no more place.

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